Monday, May 21, 2007

are we just ghosts of our past

In lot of my interaction which lot of different people about lot of different things, I have been noticing that most of the behaviour and discussion is driven by a person's past experience. On a very simple topic, people will have totally different opinion, just because they have had different experiences in past. So are we just the ghosts of our past? It seems that we always assume that what happens once will get repeated given similar circumstances. Do we always forget to take into account change, that people change, things change, earth changes, nature changes, everything is constantly changing around us. So given the same circumstances, there is no guarantee that same pattern will be repeated. So, at that time, do we cause the same pattern to repeat because we 'think' and 'believe' that it will repeat? I know its really really hard to break away from your past experience and look at the world from a new eye, from a different prospective. And then what will happen to learning from your mistakes, if the patterns get repeated and we forget our past, we may just end up repeating the same mistake again and again. So how does one break out of it, how does one know when to look at everything with a fresh eye and when to recognize the pattern from past and not repeate a mistake. Is that what we call maturing? knowing the difference? So we stop being ghosts of past when we grow up, or we just become deeper ghosts as there is a lot more past from which to draw behaviours from!


"If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do." - Bertrand Russell

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