Friday, October 19, 2007

Session 1 - Making web accessible for people with disabilities

आज का दिन तकनीकी विषयों के लिए है। सबसे पहले हम देखेंगे -
विक्लांग लोगों के लिए वेब पन्ने कैसे बनायें
सबसे पहले स्पीकर ने एक पन्ने को स्वतः पढ़ने वाला सोफ्टवेयर दिखाया। और फिर कुछ और अंधे, बहरे या विक्लंग लोगों को नयी तकनीक कि मदद से कंप्यूटर इस्तेमाल करते हुए दिखाया। सबसे पहले पन्ने के चित्रों पर ध्यान देना चाहिऐ। जो लोग स्वतः रीडर इस्तेमाल करते हैं, चित्र नहीं देख सकते। उनके लिए चित्र कि जगह शब्दों में भी उसको बताना ज़रूरी है।

Today is for technical talks। We will first see how to make web pages for people with दिसाबिलितिएस She started with showing a screen reader which blind people can use to read web pages। Then she showed some more examples of blind, deaf or otherwise disabled people can use computers with the help of modern technology।
alt text of a image
proper html mark up of the headers so that readers can skip through headers properly.
small things like using proper lists instead of table when makes sense again makes it easier for readers.
link text are required for the readers so that they can read up what the link will lead to.
colour contrast, text size etc.
Then she went on to tell about the different guidelines, acts available for accessibility of websites. There is WCAG, Section 508 etc., can be easily googled. Dynamic content calls for more work on these guidelines (WAI-ARIA is a start).
This was a really informative talk. She gave specific tips on things that we all can easily do in html. Then she went on to give more details on how to deep dive into details. We all are grouped here as one of the minority group in computer science. People with disability is another minority group which has always been discriminated against when we with previledges design things. We as carriers of technology and the group which understands the pain and frustration of being denied access, can take great steps to make web accessible to this group with disabilities. The speaker is really compassionate about the topic, and it was great to hear her.
* Give your mouse to the cat, can you navigate your site?
* Turn off images, can you make sense of the page?

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