Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dreaming the dream

There is one thing about dreams, if you had a dream for a long time, something big, and when it finally comes true, it just does not seem to mean anything or give the amount of happiness you always thought it would, over all it just looks like a flop show. Its like you hike a really difficult trail, moving as fast as you can, ignoring anything and everything on the trail, and finally when you reach the top, there is absolutely nothing great to see! Well, ok, that's not exactly what I meant by the dream thing, but it was a good analogy to support the fact that you need to enjoy the jouney of life and not go thru life running to achieve something far away. Getting back to dream, I think its like all your life you wanted a BMW, well, that's not that tough, so let's say a ferrari. You want it, but you know that you cannot get it, so you spend lot of time convincing yourself why your stupid boring corolla is so much better than a ferrari (believe me, I can give you arguments for that). And then one day you get a windfall and boom, there is a ferrari parked in your driveway (and its yours). But at that moment, when you always thought would be the happiest of your life, you suddenly realize that its not, its just a normal second, and it just passed, and you are still thinking how surreal it is, and part of your mind is thinking that its just a dream, other part is thinking of the arguments you gave for the corolla and rest of it is thinking of the price you paid to achieve the dream and if its really worth it, and whatever tiny part is left to enjoy the moment is just trying hard to convince the rest of it that you got your dream, and its real, and its here, so shut up and be happy. What's the point. So I think if you had a really ambitious dream like owning a ferrari, or a 6 bed room house on the lake, you should just let it be in the dreams, and do not destroy rest of your life to get it, your corolla or the 2BR apartment is probably going to give as much happiness if your try to concentrate on the happiness part :)



"If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do." - Bertrand Russell


alex said...

Some exag--latitude must http://www.google.com be allowed in public speaking...

Smriti said...

I totally agree with you - the worldly desires that a man has do not bring any happiness to him, in fact he spends all his life running after something or the other and when he gets it, he realizes that there's something else that he wants. If we learn the art of contentment, we would be happy irrespective of what material things we possess.