This is how the bhawans look now. Guys bhawans all enclosed with jalis, RP made into MB2, I think its still called RP though. It hosts the 5th yearites still, but only girls, and it has its own mess. I talked to some of them and they all said that food is just awesome the new mess. I could not find out where the 5th year guys have been dumped.
jailed gandhi
Ah, our old wing has a new TV and a big equipment, which I first thought was a water cooler, but is related to the BITS connect thing.
new TV, this was our 3rd year wing
Cycle stands in MB are still the same but there are a whole lot more cycles. The number of cycles in guys bhawans has also increased considerably. Well, I guess there is no more walking with your girl, holding her bike :). The insti seemed to be a big mess of cycles everywhere.
cycle stand in MB, and we can almost see the gatekeeping leaving after announcing a gate call
attending the gate calls, MB gate
RP, gates closed now, this 5th yearite terror bhawan for freshers is converted to girls hostel now, though still for 5th yearites
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