Saturday, April 09, 2005

The campus and Insti

Lets start with the AC lecture/compree rooms everyone has been talking about. They are indeed great, high tech stuff, AC, projector, mic, lot like the lecture rooms in univs in US. No more sweating during comprees because of heat (but i guess students still sweat in comprees).

The AC lecture rooms everyone has been talking about Posted by Hello

Most of the insti is still the same though, I could still see myself walking in those coridors, sitting in the lawns, IC and everything is still there. Though these are a few additions like the fancy BOSM grounds gate.

BOSM grounds, fancy gate now behind ANC Posted by Hello

The D-lawns in front of FDIII are still there. Channel V and (probably nescafe) used to play music there during OASIS, and the nescafe stall, maggie at midnight! Those were fun times.

front of FDIII, this is where lot of oasis music used to happen, nescafe stands Posted by Hello

Sky was also the same, though empty. Not a single group having lachcha. Even pappu was not that busy. Just a couple of senti-semites (girls), hanging around in back sky, looking very bored, and they said that they were very bored. senti-sem is boring!!

sky, the sun clock, and pond behind that Posted by Hello

sky Posted by Hello

The SBBJ has a ATM on campus, plastic money has arrived.

We have a ATM on campus Posted by Hello

so have cell-phones...

Cell phones have arrived, lost also and treat assured Posted by Hello

The OASIS 2004 structure, great as ever, this time it was soemthing like a monstor, I could not find what the theme was.

OASIS 2004 structure, don't know what the theme was Posted by Hello

There were a lot more bike stands near IPC, and some wierd hurdles on the way.

do we have hurdle race in front of IPC, had no idea what these strcutures were for Posted by Hello

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