Friday, March 14, 2008


I recently saw this movie "Into the Wild" about this guy in his early 20s who sort of runs away from home to go into the wild, to find solitude. After a year or more of roaming all over US, he ends up in Alaska to spend few months "living off the land", but then ends up being dead of starvation. Other than the "being dead" part, the movie was .... (i don't have the right word for it, something good). I have often wondered what it would be like to just go away for a month, alone, away from work, city and everything that defines our life and try to rediscover yourself. I say a month as I know I definately cannot survive without a purpose for more than a month, I would want to go back to work, talk to friends, watch TV! But can I do it for a month. Can one just disappear, go away, wander around, like take a car and go coast to coast. How hard is that if you have the money and the vacations :) During the Peru trip, I did meet few europeans who had been on vacation for 6 months, roaming all over south america. That's quite close, but can I do it. More importantly would I be let to do it, is that even a valid question? I will definately update the blog if I decided to go away, after all I will take my laptop, and my GPS and cell phone along, and will surely find a way to connect to the net, can't live without my daily e-mail.


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