Friday, February 18, 2005

sunny days in seattle

Whenever I hear people talking about Seattle, especially in california, its all about rain, gloomy cloudy days, no sun shine and blah blah. I have been here a week now and for last 6 days its just been sunny and clear blue skies. In fact the first time I had to use sunscreen in US is here in Seattle. I was here for the summer and it was hot, so hot that I was sweating and I needed to use talcum powder. I was here in December, it was cold, very cold, it rained, but then there were also sunny days. Infact I have never seen more than 3 continuous cloudy days here. Is it just me! Do I just carry sunshine along? Or is it just a habit of exajuration that people have. (Ofcourse I believe in the former).

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