Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shin Splint!

The thing that most runners dread happened, and I don't want to talk about it.

Its called shin splint, though doctors give it fancier name to scare you even more. Mine is in on the upper part of the leg, mid-way between foot and knee. So I kind of know its weaker and stressed calf muscles, plus wrong footing, I don't know. Its the kind that gets better after you have run a couple of miles as the muscles warm up, and also the kind which comes back once the intense activity is over. I have been running through it for a few weeks now because it always got better in the Sunday. But not this time, less than 2 weeks for marathon, this is the last thing I need. Morale and confidence is at a all time low, even lower than what it was before my first 15 miler. For the first time I can see myself collapsing mid way with a broken leg / muscles / shin or whatever. There is also the doubt that what being out of action for almost 2 weeks will do to my fitness. Tried biking today as its non-weight-bearing thing that you can do, and man! it sucks! I just could not get my heart rate up to normal running aerobic level without killing my legs. I don't think I can do it 2 days in a row. I was sitting there on that stupid bike, watching this other person running away on the treadmill! Oh hell, I even miss the treadmill now. Will give running another shot tomorrow, and then Friday break and then hopefully a 7 - 8 miler on Saturday. Running outside is out of question, so its probably going to be on the treadmill.

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