Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A weekend of perfection

This weekend was a weekend of never ending fun and activity. I still cannot believe that so much can be compressed in 2 & 1/2 days. Summer has arrived and days are getting longer!
It started with awesome sunny Friday. When its sunny outside Seatlites cannot think of anything but going out and enjoying the sun. So that's what we did Friday evening getting off from work early. We went on a short hike to Cedar Butte, 3 miles 900ft. The hike was good, nothing remarkable, but definitely refreshing.

Saturday is running day. It was warm and cloudy, best weather to run. We decided to go to Seward Park and do some running on the actual trail. It was just 2 of us, me and a walker. So I did my run by myself, the way I like it. Most of the run was on Seward Park Ave with its awesome peak-a-boo views of the lake and trees and houses beyond. As expected, the street is also lined with beautiful houses with immaculate lawns and gardens. It was just a very relaxing run. When I reached Seward Park, I was totally blown away by the surrounding beauty. It seemed to good to be true that I was there in that beautiful place, on my own, free and running! So I ran some more.
10:30am - was back at home and had my usual big bowl of milk and cereal.
12:50pm - Saturday is also Salsa day. Though I was a little tired, but I decided to go for the class anyway.
2:15pm - was back from dance class. Activities of the weekend over. So I did some housekeeping work. Finally tried to take a nap and then heard that Harry Potter is on TV @8.
7:50pm - Harry Potter

Sunday - another beautiful sunny day. Took my time to get up.
10:00am - Started doing some cooking for the week etc.
12:00noon - BITSian lunch. Met a bunch of BITSians in Seattle. For the first time in gathering, I was actually the oldest one. But its always fun to meet folks from BITS.
3:00pm - Ended the long lunch. It was at a Italian place afterall. Then we headed over to to get together to decide where to go, how to make the best use of this sunny Sunday.
5:00 - Finally decided to head to Seward Park again. I was anyway totally blown away by its beauty yesterday.
8:00pm - Back to eastside for a home cooked dinner. Perfect end to a perfect weekend.

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