Thursday, June 11, 2009

the hills i hate

or like. I have had this hate - like relationship with hills since I started running. First I obviously hated them. Till I actually started running on absolutely flat grounds of New Jersey. That is when I missed them, and started liking them (note, its not possible to love hills, however hard you try). Hills are "good" change, they suddenly wake you up, you need to start putting more effort and concentration on running, as oppose to running on flat, where after a while its just mindless robotic action of putting one foot in front of other. And there is almost always a nice downhill to look forward to. Not to mention when you are on top of the hill, its a good sense of achievement.
But today the story was different. For whatever reason, it was not a day to run. I started half heartedly, though there was no reason for that. I finally had 8 hours of sleep. I should be up awake and refreshed. Still with every step, I just wanted to go back, call it quits. My left leg had started bothering again. I am sure more than half of the pain was imaginary! At one point, I started walking back, giving myself reasons that I need the rest, I can do this tomorrow, this Saturday is only 13 miles, I can do this on Sunday. Still somehow I managed to reach the start of hill. Good thing is that you start going downhill and then turn back to run uphill. So I managed to go down. Made the first uphill trip. It felt like a mile and I had to stop in between. Made a second trip too. At this point, all doubts were back and I wanted to call it quits. 3 is a good number. Still somehow managed to convince myself that if I did 2 more, I will actually be done with hill training for the week! So somehow I managed the 5 trips up and down the stupid hill.

I hope its better tomorrow.

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