Monday, April 11, 2011

Second weekend

Sunday night found a salsa club, thanks to friends in office. Definitely highlight of my 10 days in Zurich. It was great. I did miss Danceworks, its just different when you know all people at the party. I could see some folks doing the moves that we learnt at Danceworks and I wished it was Wednesday and I was at the party in Redmond. But oh well, at some point I might get to know more people here and dance away the night.
At the party also met someone who spoke little English, but was Spanish! Vola! Time to practice Spanish. It was interesting how I could slip into speaking broken Spanish over trying to speak mix of few German words and English. I guess its all relative :)

Apartment hunting seems to be coming to an end. Seen good places, 2, both good, both ok, it will be whatever its meant to be.

Also did some shopping over the weekend - bought salt! It is interesting how I could not find bulk rice and aata here. And of course its impossible to shop when you cannot read the labels. I spent 10 min trying to figure out what kind of oil I am looking at till my translate told me that its vinegar. Never seen so many types of vinegars.

Another interesting event on the weekend - while walking down a path by river (its more like a nala but clean), a little girl stopped by me. Probably wanted some attention. So I obliged, and told her "look at you how cute! riding that little bike! What's your name?" Yeah I was in really good mood! She looked like at age where she should be able to understand and speak basic language. So I tried again "what's your name". More blank smily stare. So I thought - what a dumb child. Till then her mother caught up and said something to her, and then I realized - I was speaking a foreign language to her! how interesting!

1 comment:

PG said...

haha, good one about the little kid. Hope you are doing good there. Know how you should feel, esp. when you can't even speak the same language. Hang in there, things will be back to normal soon. :)